Tag Archives: oikeusteoria

POSTPONED: Spanish-Finnish Seminar in Legal Theory 2020

Helsinki 2.-4.9.2020

.This event has been postponed to 2022. The new dates will be announced in November 2021 by the latest.

The Law School of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and the Finnish Association for the Philosophy of Law (SOFY) in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Alicante arranges the VIII Spanish-Finnish seminar in legal theory as an international conference in Finland, in Helsinki, in the House of Sciences on 2nd – 4th September, 2020.

The theme of the seminar is “Fact and Value in Law”. The focused questions are: what is the role and significance of facts and values in the domain of legal knowledge and should legal knowledge be treated as descriptions of facts, understanding of values or something else? These topics have been central for many distinguished scholars in the history of legal theory, like Alf Ross. The seminar will contain a tribute section about Ross.  

All professors, scholars, researchers, lecturers and students interested in legal theory and legal philosophy are welcome to the seminar. They are welcome to register themselves as participants in the seminar and/or to propose a paper for a seminar lecture. The seminar is free of charge, and the conference language of the seminar is English.

Registration information

Please, register yourself as a participant of the seminar by filling out the following form: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/24968/lomake.html. The registration is open until 21st August, 2020.

Instructions for the abstract

A participant of the seminar can propose a paper and a lecture by sending an abstract of the paper to the organizers until to 19th June, 2020. An abstract and a paper can have one or several authors. Accordingly, a lecture can be given by one or several persons.  Please, write and send an abstract as a PDF-document with no more than 500 words. You can submit your abstract by filling out the following form: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/24977/lomake.html

The authors of the accepted papers will be notified by email by 29th June, 2020. The authors of the accepted papers are requested to send the final papers to the organizers by 21st August, 2020. Please, send a paper with no more than 10.000 words.

More information

Mitä oikeudet ovat? -kirjan julkaisuseminaari

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