Johtaja, arktisen alueen oikeusfilosofian alaryhmä, arktisen alueen oikeudellinen verkosto, Arktinen yliopisto
Leader of the Sub-group of Philosophy of Law in the Arctic, the Arctic Law Thematic Network at the University of the Arctic

Olen oikeusfilosofi. Tutkimusalani: oikeus ja moraali, oikeus ja kieli, oikeus ja antropologia, oikeus ja uskonto, arktisen alueen lainsäädäntö, eurooppalainen oikeuskulttuuri, filosofia ja etiikka, poliittinen teoria jne. Olen humanisti. Olen puolalainen. Asun Joensuussa.
My name is Dawid Bunikowski. I am a legal philosopher of Polish descent, residing in Eastern Finland (North Karelia, Joensuu). I did my PhD in Poland (on law and morality: abortion, euthanasia, human fertilisation, cloning, pornography, prostitution, same-sex couples etc.) and my postdoctoral research in Finland (on the recent global financial crisis as an axiological crisis: the crisis of law and the crisis of morality; business ethics/corporate governance). Now I am Research Scholar at the Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship (, New Jersey, USA) and Researcher (Research Associate) at IGDORE – Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (; a location independent research organisation; Estonia-Indonesia-Sweden). I am also Leader of the Sub-group of Philosophy of Law in the Arctic in the Arctic Law Thematic Network at the University of the Arctic (2015-, Finland; My main research area is legal theory/philosophy of law, in particular law and morality relations but not only. I am also a law and religion scholar and a social/political thinker. I am interested in law, ethics, philosophy, logic, economy, history, and theology, and anthropology. Just in the humanities. I conduct cross-disciplinary studies. For example, in my legal-philosophical research, I have focused on law and morality or foundations of European legal culture (vide: In other papers, for example, I have been interested in law and language and legal interpretation. More philosophical pieces have concerned Hume’s moral principles, and more political papers have covered Nordic welfare states or theory of power. Ethical papers are dedicated to business ethics as well. Also, I am a member of anthropological, philosophical and political sciences societies and work on legal pluralism, indigenous rights in the North etc. I have published and presented much. I have taught and researched much abroad, too. For example, I was Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford, Blackfriars Hall (UK, on 29 January-10 February 2015, Erasmus Staff Exchange), where I gave a paper with a title “What is jurisprudence? Is it still Justinian’s ‘science of things divine and human’? Is it still ‘the science of the just and the unjust’?”. Also, I was Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh, School of Divinity (UK; on 17-23 June 2014 and 8-14 November 2015, Erasmus Staff Exchange; invitation: Prof. Paul Foster). Few times I have been Visiting Scholar in Cardiff School of Law and Politics (invitation: Prof. Norman Doe). I have taught legal courses also from Spain to Croatia, Turkey, Belarus and Russia. I have researched at the University of Basle (Switzerland) and many others. I cooperate with the following institutions: I have been Distinguished Academic Associate at the Centre for Law and Religion in Cardiff School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University, UK (since September 2013; In 2014 I was asked (by Norman Doe) and agreed to give the annual John Lewis Memorial Lecture at the LLM in Canon Law to the students. The topic was “Law and Religion in Finland”. Also, I have been Corresponding Member at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University (since 2014, USA). Moreover, I have been Associate Member in the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP) at the Center for the Study of Culture and Values at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC (since 2015, USA). Recently, I have become Member at the Centre of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Nottingham (2018-, UK). I am part-time Senior Lecturer in the University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek (northern-central Poland), in the Department of Public Administration, where I teach ”Foundations of Law”, ”Foundations of Labour Law and of Law of Officials” (I focus on constitutional, comparative and international practical-judicial aspects, and equal treatment in employment), “Foundations of Civil Law with Contracts in Public Administration”, “Foundations of Environmental Law”. Now I am working on books that I am one of the two co-editors. The title of the first is ”Why Religion? Towards a Critical Philosophy of Law, Peace and God” (ed. by D. Bunikowski and A. Puppo; Springer; under contract; signed in February 2018). The second is ”Philosophies of polar law” (ed. by D. Bunikowski and Alan Hemmings; Routledge; under contract, signed in February 2018). Recently, I have released these interdisciplinary pieces on the rule of law in East Central Europe and some Schmittian philosophy that are part of the special (journal) edition I have co-edited:, Here the question is whether a (populist) party with an absolute or a constitutional majority may really vote whatever it wants. And, what is the philosophy of that?
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